Blue Bayfield encourages Bayfield’s businesses and community groups to choose alternatives to plastic whenever possible. We’ve done some research and discovered a collection of great Canadian and American companies that are providing practical alternatives to single use plastics. Please find a list of our favourite “Blue” vendors below.
Green Shift Packaging:
Fabri-Kal Greenware Packaging:
Canada Green:
BeGreen Packaging:
Paper Shopping Bags
Blue Bayfield encourages Bayfield’s vendors to choose paper over plastic! We recommend GoGo Pak’s “Enviro Bags” which are manufactured in the US and are made of 100% recycled paper.
GoGo Pak:
Reusable Shopping Bags and Totes
Many of Bayfield’s local community groups have been selling reusable tote bags for their fundraising efforts. We at Blue Bayfield think this is a fantastic fundraising concept! By selling these bags not only are we raising funds for our local organizations we are helping to reduce the number of disposable bags entering our landfills. Barmy Tech is a sewing company that is manufacturing right here in Huron County! They use environmentally friendly vegetable oil based inks on customized promotional products.
Barmy Tech:
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