Welcome to Blue Bayfield
Blue Bayfield is an organization of concerned citizens located in the lakeside village of Bayfield, Ontario. Blue Bayfield’s mission is committed to the protection and remediation of all waters locally and around the world.
Blue Bayfield is a Blue Community that recognizes water as a human right and denounces the privatization of water around the world. To that end, it encourages local citizens and businesses to work towards the reduction and elimination of single-use plastic. The Bayfield experience has been shared with local communities across Canada. Blue Bayfield is recognized locally and internationally for promoting the principle of environmental sustainability.
Below are the links to the Blue Bayfield publication:

CLICK HERE to view ‘The Great Lakes a Time of Reckoning’
To view the Curriculum Resource, CLICK HERE.
Authors of the book: bettydurst@gmail.com or letherenray@gmail.com
The Book as a high school curriculum resource: Lauriehazzard@cabletv.on.ca
General Inquiries: ssully@tcc.on.ca
Information on the Bluewater Environment Committee: sandelowskyr@gmail.com
Links to Eco Neighbours
Seaforth – C4th Climate Action
Susan Hundertmark shundertmark@tcc.on.ca
Goderich – Green Goderich
Betty Durst betty.durst@gmail.com
Grand Bend – Lakeshore Eco-Network
Max Morden morden@hay.net
Haliburton – Concerned Citizens of Haliburton
Greg Roe ivylea@icloud.com
Haliburton – Environment Haliburton
Susan Hay hayfield@tcc.on.ca
Karen Brock www.oakvillegreen.org
Prince Edward County
Julie Miller paintbyjules@icloud.com
Patty Kehl patty@riverroots.ca
Brussels – Women’s Institute
Kathy Bridge kabcrafts@hotmail.com
Elgin County
Sarah Emons councilloremons@southwold.ca
Saugeen Shore
Rob Shave robshave@live.co.uk
Goderich Rotary
Mike Strickland m.strickland@holliswealth.com
Betty Tomlinson danview.ledgers@gmail.com
Stop Plastic – Toronto
Donna-Marie https://stopplastics.ca/
Carol Sannes c.sannes@icloud.com
Northport Michigan
Kent Shoemaker ksshoes@chartermi.net
Recycling Council – Alberta
Christina Seidel info@recycle.ab.ca
Trent University
Daniela Pagliaro admin@ulinks.ca
Detroit Zoo
Rachel Handbury rhandbury@dzs.org
Thessalon – council/staff
Kirsten Lawrence kristen.thessalon@bellnet.ca
Lynn Brown londoncouncilcanadians@gmail.com
Norfolk County – Cleaning Up Norfolk
Holly Anderson cleaningupnorfolk@gmail.com
South Huron DHS – Eco Exeter
Amanda Keller amanda.keller@ed.amdsb.ca
Central Huron SS – Clean Clinton
Kristen Durnin kirsten.durnin@ed.amdsb.ca
Goderich D
Mel Ball melanie.ball@ed.amdsb.ca