We live in a time when virtually every consumer product is available in “take away” form. That includes water, the unfinished dinner and meals at community events. A significant challenge is to have consumers rethink packaging.
Water from a tap costs less than 1/1000 of a cent is safe and is tested for 140 plus declared ingredients. Yet we are prepared to pay up to a 3000 % markup for a convenient single use bottle of water. This bottle requires 1/3 litre of oil and 3 litres of water to produce and 40% of tested bottled water fails the standard test for municipal water.
The challenge: to convince the public that bottled water is unnecessary, expensive and detrimental to our environment and is rapidly depleting our aquifers.
The Great Lakes: A Time of Reckoning
Read this booklet on line at http://www.greatlakesatimeofreckoning.com/
Styrofoam packaging
Styrofoam packaging is the dominant packing material for every product sold today. This plastic product ends up in landfill sites as options for recycling are limited. Included in this group are take out foods.
The challenge: some Bayfield organizations and coffee shops have committed to using compostable containers. Acknowledging that they add 5% to the cost, how do we convince retailers and organizations that this is the responsible thing to do?
Storm water
Storm Water is laden with toxins and undesirable elements. Yet drainage canals (pipe and open) direct these waters directly into lakes and rivers. In Bayfield, model rain gardens have been planted at one site to help reduce the impact of surface water outflow in our lakes and rivers.
The challenges: to convince citizens and elected officials that we can improve water quality in our lakes and rivers with responsible design and awareness of the consequences of careless use of drainage ditches.
Beaches & Roadway Debris
Beaches and roadways are littered with debris in particular plastic bottles and cigarette butts.
The Challenge: to convince people that a sandy beach is not a giant ashtray.
Beaches are a dynamic component of a coastline and thus subject to change. To minimize erosion, dune grasses are planted.
The Challenge: to educate citizens on the behaviour of coastlines and adjacent banks and to respect the planting as necessary component of a healthy eco system.
Lake Huron
The Lake is the home to countless aquatic species, the source of drinking water for 45 million people.
The Challenge is convince people that toxic products, domestic sewage and plastic micro-beads all end up in the lake and can risk the health of aquatic species and humans and we must take care to minimize our contribution to these hazards.
Protect Water Air & Land
Our ability to protect water, air and land will determine our future. The economy and other issues that dominate the news will not matter if the environment suffers irreversible damage.
The Challenge: to convince elected officials that environmental issues should not be an afterthought and that all decision made should begin with the word “sustainable”.
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